Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gay Palestino get permanent asylum in Israel after 5 years Read more: Gay Palestinian gets permanent asylum in Israel after 5 years

Posted by  on February 16, 2016 - 11:16
A Palestinian who does not want to be identified succeeded, after being arrested six times by the Israeli police for permission to live permanently in Israel. To flee the violence against homosexuals imposed by the Palestinians of the West Bank, the man lived for five years in the cities of Israel, between periods permission and without government permission. six arrests were necessary for him to go to trial in the Supreme Court of Israel, where only then the case was studied and the authorization was granted.
His story follows this chronology: When he arrived in Israel for the first time five years ago, fleeing for his life, the man got temporary asylum. When permission has expired, he would not get another immediately, and was at the mercy of fate and the country's police dangers, since she is trained to capture and hold people living without permission in the country. For this reason, the boy was arrested several times in a short space of time. His recent arrest this week in Tel Aviv, has made the Palestinian went to trial in the largest body of the country. The result was a happy one, after many years without knowing if his future was assured. He was granted asylum in Israel and can take up residence in the country.

Israel is the only country in the Middle East, in addition to Turkey, where being gay is not a crime. Israel's gay community enjoys some freedom, though conservatives react against the government preaches respect for diversity. Gays and lesbians are often harassed by the authorities and miliacianos groups throughout the region. The discussion about seeking asylum gay Palestinian refugees is already longstanding. The danger is imminent for these people, since Muslims do not accept homosexuality, and more radical aspects, such as the Islamic State, persecute gay men and kill shooting up public buildings. Stories like these have won even screenplays.

The film Beyond the Border, 2012, is a pretty long which tells the love story of a Palestinian Nimer, by an Israeli, Roy. The love of the two becomes a problem for the conservative Family Nimer, who suffers with the kidnapping of a very close gay friend, killed by religious fundamentalists. The direction of the film is Michael Mayer.

Several cases asylum request of Palestinian homosexuals or Arabs await response, some for more than a decade, Israel. 



Read More: Gay Palestinian gets permanent asylum in Israel after 5 years | magazine Side A http://revistaladoa.com.br/2016/02/noticias/palestino-gay-consegue-asilo-permanente-em-israel-depois-5-anos#ixzz411hb6CJh
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